
Sex mit Inkontinenz: Tipps für ein erfülltes Sexualleben

Sex with incontinence: tips for a fulfilling se...

Sex with incontinence: tips for a fulfilling sex life Incontinence can be a sensitive issue that can also affect your sex life. But with the right tools and a little...

Sex with incontinence: tips for a fulfilling se...

Sex with incontinence: tips for a fulfilling sex life Incontinence can be a sensitive issue that can also affect your sex life. But with the right tools and a little...

Blasenschwäche bei Frauen: Wenn die Kontrolle verloren geht

Bladder weakness in women: When control is lost

Bladder weakness in women: When control is lost Urinary incontinence, the involuntary loss of urine, is a widespread problem that affects millions of women throughout their lives. While the reasons...

Bladder weakness in women: When control is lost

Bladder weakness in women: When control is lost Urinary incontinence, the involuntary loss of urine, is a widespread problem that affects millions of women throughout their lives. While the reasons...

Inkontinenz bei Männern: Ursachen und Lösungen

Incontinence in men: causes and solutions

The causes of incontinence in men are varied and can range from prostate diseases to neurological disorders to surgery. Urinary incontinence, the involuntary loss of urine, is a widespread problem...

Incontinence in men: causes and solutions

The causes of incontinence in men are varied and can range from prostate diseases to neurological disorders to surgery. Urinary incontinence, the involuntary loss of urine, is a widespread problem...

Inkontinenz und Ernährung: Mit der richtigen Kost die Blasenschwäche lindern

Incontinence and nutrition: Relieve bladder wea...

Incontinence and nutrition: Relieve bladder weakness with the right diet Incontinence, the involuntary loss of urine, can be a major burden in everyday life. In addition to targeted training and...

Incontinence and nutrition: Relieve bladder wea...

Incontinence and nutrition: Relieve bladder weakness with the right diet Incontinence, the involuntary loss of urine, can be a major burden in everyday life. In addition to targeted training and...

Demenz & Inkontinenz – Was hilft im Alltag?

Dementia & incontinence – what helps in eve...

Dementia & incontinence – what helps in everyday life? Dementia and incontinence are two problems that unfortunately often occur together as people get older. Those affected then lose control of...

Dementia & incontinence – what helps in eve...

Dementia & incontinence – what helps in everyday life? Dementia and incontinence are two problems that unfortunately often occur together as people get older. Those affected then lose control of...

Ursachen: Wie kommt es zu Inkontinenz?

Causes: How does incontinence occur?

Causes: How does incontinence occur? Urinary incontinence, also known as bladder weakness, is the involuntary loss of urine. This can be an embarrassing and distressing problem that can severely affect...

Causes: How does incontinence occur?

Causes: How does incontinence occur? Urinary incontinence, also known as bladder weakness, is the involuntary loss of urine. This can be an embarrassing and distressing problem that can severely affect...