
Inkontinenz in der Schwangerschaft und danach: Dein Ratgeber

Unpleasant companion: incontinence during and a...

Unpleasant companion: incontinence during and after pregnancy Pregnancy and childbirth are a wonderful but also physically demanding time for women. In addition to the well-known symptoms such as nausea and...

Unpleasant companion: incontinence during and a...

Unpleasant companion: incontinence during and after pregnancy Pregnancy and childbirth are a wonderful but also physically demanding time for women. In addition to the well-known symptoms such as nausea and...

Inkontinenz und Reisen: Stressfrei unterwegs dank guter Vorbereitung

Incontinence and travel: stress-free travel tha...

Incontinence and travel: stress-free travel thanks to good preparation Incontinence doesn't have to be an obstacle to enjoyable travel. With the right preparation and a few practical aids, you can...

Incontinence and travel: stress-free travel tha...

Incontinence and travel: stress-free travel thanks to good preparation Incontinence doesn't have to be an obstacle to enjoyable travel. With the right preparation and a few practical aids, you can...

Inkontinenz und Sport, Aktiv bleiben trotz Blasenschwäche, Sport bei Inkontinenz, Tipps für Inkontinenz und Fitness, Übungen zur Stärkung des Beckenbodens

Incontinence and sport: Stay active despite bla...

Incontinence and sport: Stay active despite bladder weakness Incontinence, the involuntary loss of urine, is a widespread problem that affects millions of people. Many sufferers therefore withdraw from sport for...

Incontinence and sport: Stay active despite bla...

Incontinence and sport: Stay active despite bladder weakness Incontinence, the involuntary loss of urine, is a widespread problem that affects millions of people. Many sufferers therefore withdraw from sport for...

Inkontinenz und Psyche: Den Teufelskreis durchbrechen

Incontinence and the psyche: breaking the vicio...

Incontinence and the psyche: breaking the vicious circle Incontinence, the involuntary loss of urine, is not only a physical problem but can also have significant psychological effects. Shame, guilt and...

Incontinence and the psyche: breaking the vicio...

Incontinence and the psyche: breaking the vicious circle Incontinence, the involuntary loss of urine, is not only a physical problem but can also have significant psychological effects. Shame, guilt and...

Rezepte für Inkontinenz freundliche Gerichte - Fünf Gerichte, die bei Inkontinenz helfen können

Recipes for incontinence friendly dishes - Five...

Recipe ideas for incontinence-friendly dishes - Five dishes that can help with incontinence Diet can help! A diet rich in fiber can prevent constipation, which can reduce pressure on the...

Recipes for incontinence friendly dishes - Five...

Recipe ideas for incontinence-friendly dishes - Five dishes that can help with incontinence Diet can help! A diet rich in fiber can prevent constipation, which can reduce pressure on the...

Inkontinenz: Unsichtbarer Begleiter mit weitreichenden Folgen

Incontinence: Invisible companion with far-reac...

Incontinence: Invisible companion with far-reaching consequences Incontinence, the involuntary loss of urine or stool, is common and affects millions of people worldwide. Although it is a physical problem, incontinence often...

Incontinence: Invisible companion with far-reac...

Incontinence: Invisible companion with far-reaching consequences Incontinence, the involuntary loss of urine or stool, is common and affects millions of people worldwide. Although it is a physical problem, incontinence often...